Paris Mood board

Central France Mood board

Cantal/cézalier Mood board

What you get from us
4K 3.5-6min long film.
4K 20-30sec long social media clips.
4K Best of long film 1min clip.
what we need from you
Gravel / Road wheelsets.
Tristan deggan

Having spent my professional life between Europe and Canada
as a media creator, I have developed skills in all but most aspects
of my work which I believe are key in producing exciting and moving
stories. I love collaborating closely with people to bring their ideas
and projects to life. For the main part of my work, I mainly produce high-end imagery and films for adventure-rich outdoor companies such as
Goodyear, PALU, Forbidden & Knolly. Wether it is on the bow of a racing
yacht, a Sessna above the ever-snowy Rockies or in a French
vineyard, I am always thrilled to discover what and who lies beyond
the next hill to capture some beautiful and compelling imagery.
Directing + Project Planning + Videography + Photography + Editing + Colour Correcting.
Adrien deggan

Adrien Deggan is an international, prize-winning, illustrator and concept artist who has worked in film, animation and video games. He specializes in the early stages of project development, including: storytelling, storyboads, user interface, and the creation of unique visual styles. He has art directed, directed and created images for Microsoft, National Geographics, the BBC, EA Games, Michelin, Jellyfish Pictures, just to name a few. Last year he was honoured to be nominated for an Emmy award.
Concept Art + Storyboarding + Design + Photo-Montage + Matte Painting + Basic Animation.
2018 video reel
Knolly Cache
The Auvergne
a few More examples of our work...
Forbidden Bike Co.


We are one


Contact info
tristan deggan
Cell: 778 828 4381
Email: deggantristan@gmail.com
Website: tristandeggan.com